World Of Warcast Episode 280, “The Burning Squirrel”
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Special guest host Ali (@aliandrasK) joins us to talk about Battle for Azeroth alpha.
This week is Cataclysm Timewalking.
Tuesday the 20th Arena bonus week.
Un’Goro Madness starts Sat goes through Mon.
This Week in Trek Episode 333, “This is all Chris’ fault”
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The Anovos phaser is based on an early prototype & isn’t what’s on-screen. It was changed from the original design for ease of show production.
Creation Entertainment has canceled all its Trek cons except for STLV.
Ten Forward:
Chris on Twitter: If you consider the Doctor on Voyager a sentient being, then would all EMH’s be considered the same?
Star Trek in pop culture:
Gilmore Girls. 2004. S4 E11. A character named Kirk tells of his Tinnitus.
Last week in Trek
Episode insight: VOY: False Profits
Character insight: Timothy Lang
This Week in Trek Episode 332, “Awaiting endpoint”
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Patreon: http://patreon.com/starmike
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2-foot Polar Lights K’t’inga Klingon Battlecrusier Model Kit Coming This Fall bit.ly/r2ktinga
Ten Forward:
Chris on Twitter: Do u think Discovery succeeded in bringing new fans to Star Trek?
Star Trek in pop culture:
30 Rock. 2012 S7 E4. Discussing an upcoming election and a scandalous photo.
Last week in Trek
Episode insight: TNG: S3 The Price
Character insight: Dr. Timicin
This Week in Trek Episode 331, “Three lieutenants and a baby”
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My prediction for DSC S2: Burnham will have a Klingon baby.
Why didn’t Saru’s hackles go up 100 times on the Mudd Time loop episode ?
DSC: 56M, GOT: 42M, https://twitter.com/startrekmoments/status/968233291370377218/photo/1
The Nimoy doc being on iTunes in spring that I posted in Discord
Today is the 3rd anniverary of Nimoy’s death
Ten Forward:
Chris on Twitter: What commonly used Trek tech (no Technobabble) do u think has zero chances of ever becoming invented? My first choice is inertial dampers.
Star Trek in pop culture:
Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee – Jerry Seinfeld talking to comedians. Here, talking about gambling. S4, E12
Last week in Trek
Episode insight: DS9 S3: Through The Looking Glass
Character insight: Buck Bokai
Subspace communications
Podcast: Play in new window | Download
This Week in Trek Episode 330, “Honey, I Shrunk the City”
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Twitch: http://twitch.tv/starmiketv
McFarlane Toys phaser all kinds of lights, sound, and accuracy!
Ten Forward:
Chris on Twitter: Would you put Captain Jellico from TNG in your top 10 list of best Trek captains?
Star Trek in pop culture:
Buffy the Vampire Slayer. S1, E12 Prophecy Girl
Last week in Trek
Episode insight: TAS S1: The Terratin Incident
Character insight: Koss
Subspace communications
Podcast: Play in new window | Download
World Of Warcast Episode 278, “Meat II Pet”
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Life invasions: thank you Cara – did not touch Love is in the Air
Naked & Afraid monk: level 95, 3 days 22 hours, 46k gold
Northrend: Leveling time slow, money amazing
Pandaria: Leveling time medium-fast, money good
Draenor: Leveling time medium-fast, money bad
Life invasion
This Week in WoW
Lunar Festival starts 2/17, runs to 3/3
Love is In the Air ends tomorrow
Battleground bonus event starts Tuesday
Ulduar Timewalking
Dungeon XP hotfix to bug introduced in 7.3.5 https://www.wowhead.com/news=281885/dungeon-experience-hotfixes
Side effect to creature scaling broke awarded XP in some situations
Significantly increased XP awarded for queuing for random Normal dungeons, Classic through Draenor
Mobile Auction House has been restored
New mount: Shu-zen, The Divine Sentinel – $25 in Blizz store (6 months game time for Chinese servers) – and fixed a scaling bug
Battle for Azeroth: Alpha Build News
Tons of class changes but these tend to change a lot over alpha/beta
Allied races
New allied race? Orc based – either Mag’har or Frostwolf Orcs (brown orcs)
Datamined orc armor and a Mag’har Direwolf mount
Dark Iron Dwarf racials
Dungeon Delver: 4% increased indoor speed
Fireblood: Removes all poison, disease, curse, magic and bleed effects and increases primary stat by 100 for each removed. 2 min cooldown
Forged in Flames: 1% physical damage reduction
Mass Production: 2x speed creating blacksmithed items
Mole Machine: Summons a Mole Machine that tunnels through the earth (30 min cooldown)
Non-caster damage that used to be calculated on weapon damage is now based on a combo of weapon damage and attack power to help bring better balance between classes that rely heavily on weapons vs. those who do not
Return of Pepe: New Pepe costumes include a scuba costume and a Zandalari mask
Hunter pet specialization:
All pets will have equal damage, health and armor (all can tank or DPS equally well). Old designations Ferocity, Tenacity or Cunning will continue as categories, but as categories of pet families, not as descriptions of their utility
All pets will have Growl and Dash or Swoop
Pet families now each have a special ability – one active, one passive, depending on their category (examples: the passive for Ferocity is a 3% leech, for Tenacity, 10% max health, and for Cunning, 8% movement speed buff)
Each pet family will get one of six different abilities. Examples include a healing reduction debuff, reduced damage, increased dodge, etc.
Profession changes: (just noted things that are different or interesting) Major squish: Max profession skill cap going from 800 to 200
Alchemy preview:
Tinctures – trinkets with combat buffs based on the flask you’re currently using
Usual transmutes of changing one profession material to another. Also Fish to Gems and Meat to Pet.
Blacksmithing preview:
New stirrups for speed and interacting while mounted in the new zones
Khaz’gorian Hammer – blacksmithing hammer replacement that gives a chance to give crafted armor or weapons the Indestructible property
Cooking preview: Nothing special
Enchanting preview: Nothing special
Portable transmogger
Portable stable master
Herbalism: Nothing special
Contracts: Enter a contract with a faction that allows you to gain reputation with them every time you complete a world quest in the new zones
+5% experience gem
Scuba gear
Mining: Nothing special
Skinning: Nothing special
finally getting a bag upgrade – 1 30 slot bag (same as HW), 1 32 slot bag
Hot Air Baloon pet
First Aid getting at least a revamp – may be removed entirely and folded into Tailoring
First Aid achievements will become Legacy Feats of Strength
Now listed as “legacy”. https://www.wowhead.com/news=281844/first-aid-potential-revamp-or-removal-in-battle-for-azeroth
This Week in Trek Episode 329, “The Growling Season”
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DSC to start shooting in April.
A certain dead person (Culber) verified to return in S2.
Discovery & Shenzou models from Anovos. $9k & $8k. 36.9” & 26.6”
Ten Forward:
Chris on Twitter: What was your initial reaction when you learned that a Klingon was going to be an officer on the bridge of the Enterprise in TNG?
Star Trek in pop culture:
This is Us, S2, E5 A class reunion is going on?
Last week in Trek
Episode insight: TNG S1: Where No One Has Gone Before
Character insight: Ensign Murphy
Subspace communications
This Week in Trek Episode 328-Discovery Edition, “Don’t cross the streams”
Discord: http://discord.thisweekintrek.com
Patreon: http://patreon.com/starmike
Twitch: http://twitch.tv/starmiketv
Our look at Star Trek Discovery Episode 15, “Will You Take My Hand?”
Thanks to everyone who supported the Discovery Edition of This Week in Trek!
World Of Warcast Episode 277, “Caraclysm”
Discord: http://discord.worldofwarcast.com
Patreon: http://www.patreon.com/starmike
Twitch: http://twitch.tv/starmiketv
Special guest host Cara(clysm) (@xandara) fills in for Ren.
Rep grinding is making me bored.
Even if I did this when it was new, I find it dull because it’s too repetitive.
50% boost in rep from Sign of the Emissary, so go do it!
I also haven’t upgraded yet. When I get to exalted in all 4, then I’ll do it. No rush now.
Farming for the Love Rocket. No drops.
Achievement runs
Heroic Antorus 2/11, first bosses aren’t too different
Haven’t upgraded to BfA yet because I still feel like I have plenty to do without it right now, curious to see how long that will last
But also I don’t really care about things as much as I used to? Like it’s still super fun! But I don’t feel like I NEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEED it. I.e. Love Rocket runs, I do them when I can but I don’t frustrate myself trying to fit them into my day
I did claim my character names I want for my BfA allied race alts though. Seems they freed up a lot of names recently so if you have a name you couldn’t get before, give it a shot now!
Me too! -MG (kek)
This week in WoW
Darkmoon Faire until the 11th
Lunar Festival starts a week from today
BfA alpha is going out to some people. Not me 🙁
Watched a few streams. Some people need to learn how to stream (don’t be rude!)
I found the starting areas to be ok. Didn’t watch long. Wasn’t anything really impressive yet.
Nightborne faces should match what was selected
Fire mage damage increased by a whopping 3%
Hunter BM damage increased by 2.5%
From Discord:
BfA comes with a level 110 boost
Shout out to PurpleMoose in Discord who was struggling what to do and used it for a Nightborne rogue.
Utheron – bad experience with a GM. Was trying to make him switch specs.
This Week in Trek Episode 328, “Borg Patented Assimilation Procedure™”
Discord: http://discord.thisweekintrek.com
Patreon: http://patreon.com/starmike
Twitch: http://twitch.tv/starmiketv
Anovos Discovery Phaser review.
Quinto to do “In Search Of” remake. 10 eps for Hist channel.
Star Trek Continues sets to be preserved where they are (Kingsland, GA). Transferred to Ray Tesi.
Ten Forward:
Chris on Twitter: Your car breaks down in the middle of nowhere. Which Trek engineer would you call first to repair it?
Star Trek in pop culture:
Madam Secretary (2016), S3 E4. This scene: Political talk
Last week in Trek
Episode insight: VOY: S6, E2. Survival Instinct
Character insight: James Horan
Podcast: Play in new window | Download
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